Vegetable oils

Vegetable oils

Most people and professionals talk of the great advantages of cold pressed first oils, but they don't always explain why they are so beneficial to your health or whether it's really worth paying the price difference. However, the advantage between refined oils and oils obtained at first pressing is not only obvious, but they are important enough that the next time we choose an oil we look at the extraction process used.

First cold pressing

When an oil is called "first pressing or cold pressed" it refers to the extraction process used to obtain it. In this case it indicates that the oils have been extracted by pure mechanical pressure and without added heat sources or the addition of chemical products either from the seeds, fruits or corresponding grains, which are decanted and filtered. On the other hand, when the oil is refined, i.e. processed, it becomes a purified fatty substance, which can be preserved and look pleasant, but does not contain taste, nutrients or therapeutic or curative values. The objective with this extraction method is to obtain an oil that maintains the same biological and organoleptic characteristics that it had when it was in its original packaging: the seed, the fruit or the grain.


The oil preserves all its vitamins, minerals and active principles. It provides the body with elements such as fatty acids and vitamins. It maintains a high content of phytosterols, healthy active substances. They are ideal for transporting the properties of essential oils added to perform therapeutic functions. Whether in treatments where the oil is applied externally or in prescribed treatments where it is consumed in appropriate doses.

First cold pressed oils contain more biologically active nutrients and properties. Refined oils are industrial oils that have lost most of their properties in the extraction process, both because of the solvents used and because of the temperatures reached. The nutritional differences between the different ways of obtaining oil, conclude that the oils that have been produced by means of the system of cold pressing have better properties compared to the refined ones or of hot pressing, that reduce their organoleptic characteristics, their vitamin E, the beta-carotenes and phytosterols.

When we are asked why we don't have more references, and the answer is that these are the ones that comply with our premises. But as soon as there are more, we will be delighted to add them.

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